2019 Ohrid ETU Triathlon Junior European Cup
Start Lists
Athletes Briefing:
17:00-Youth briefing.
17:45-Junior’s briefing.
18:30-Elite & Age groupe athlete’s briefing
Entry Fee:
ETU Triathlon European Junior cup 60 euro,National Championships Elite & Age group 20 euro, Youth 15 euro, Kids 10 euro.
Event Schedule
6-7 July 2019 y.
Friday, July 5th
8:00 - 21:00 Athletes & teams arrivals
Saturday, July 6th (men & women)
10:00-14:00-Athlete’s registration & package pick up in Hotel UNIQUE Resort & Spa
13:00 - Bike course familiarization.
14:00 - Swim course familiarization.
16:00-20:00-Athlete’s registration & package pick up in Hotel UNIQUE Resort & Spa
17:00-17:45 -Youth briefing National championship open race.
17:45-18:30- Junior’s briefing ETU Triathlon Junior European cup Men & Women
18:30 -19:15- Elite & Age group briefing National championship open race.
Sunday, July 7th (men & women)
6:45-7:15 - Athletes Lounge Open and Check in Elite & Age group.
7:00-7:45 - Transition area is open for Elite & Age group.
7:30-7:45 - Swim warm up for Elite & Age group.
7:45 Pre start procedure
8:00 - Ohrid National Triathlon Open Championships Start Elite & Age group race Men.
8:01 - Ohrid National Triathlon Open Championship Start Elite & Age group race Women. (last athlete finish 9:50)
10:15-Awards Ceremony for categorie Elite & Age group men and women
9:30-10:00- Athletes Lounge Open and Check in Kids race
10:00-10:15 - Transition area is open for Kids race
10:05-10:15 - Swim warm up for Kids race.
10:20 - Ohrid National Triathlon Open Championships Start Kids 1 race.(last athlete finish 10:38)
10:40 - Ohrid National Triathlon Open Championships Start Kids 2 race.(last athlete finish 11:10)
11:15-Awards Ceremony for categorie Kids race.
10:45-11:00 Athletes Lounge Open and Check in Youth men & women
11:00-11:20 - Transition area is open for Youth men & women
11:20-11:30- Swim warm up for Youth men & women
11:40-Pre start procedure Youth men & women
11:45 -Ohrid National Triathlon Open Championships Start Youth Men race.
11:46 -Ohrid National Triathlon Open Championships Start Youth Women race.(last athlete finish 12:25)
12:30-Awards Ceremony for categorie Youth men and Women.
12:30-13:00-Athletes Lounge Open and Check in Junior Women.
13:00-13:45 Transition area is open for Junior Women & Men
13:30-13:45 Swim warm up for Junior Women
13:50- Pre start procedure Junior Women
14:00 Ohrid ETU TRIATHLON JUNIOR EUROPEAN CUP Junior Women START. (last athlete finish 15:20)
14:00-15:00-Athletes Lounge Open and Check in Junior Men race
15:00-15:15-Transition area is open for Junior Men if necessary to check.
15:10-15:20-Swim warm up for Junior Men.
15:20- Pre start procedure Junior Men
15:30 Ohrid ETU TRIATHLON JUNIOR EUROPEAN CUP Junior Men START. (last athlete finish 16:45)
17:00-Awards Ceremony for categories Junior Women & Men
*In July the Sun rise in 5:15h and Sun set at 20:10h
Closest Airport
Ohrid Airport
The LOC will provide transport from Ohrid Airport for the athletes and their Team Officials.
Price: transfer in both directions s from Ohrid International Airport to the venue in Ohrid:
Price: transfer in both directions, from Ohrid airport to Ohrid and back, with a van, at a price of 80 euro for a tour.
- Maximum four (4) persons can be transported in a van. If less than 4 persons are using the transport, they will have to split the cost of 80 euros.
If you have any Transfer queries please contact:
Gordana Nikolovska(nikolovska@sportskopje.mk;+38970221850)
Ivan Cvetkovski (sportzasite@gmail.com; +38978440139)
So we can arrange sharing transport.
Macedonian Triathlon federation will provide a transfer from Skopje Airport to the venue in Ohrid
Price: transfer in both directions, from Skopje airport to Ohrid and back, with a van, at a price of 300 euro for a tour.
- Maximum four(4) persons can be transported in a van. If less than four (4) persons are using the transport, they will have to split the cost of 300 euro.
If you have any Transfer requires please contact:
Gordana Nikolovska(nikolovska@sportskopje.mk;+38970221850)
So we can arrange sharing transport
Local Transportation
Ohrid is a pedestrian city where everything is very close and near.
If is you need a transport comfortably use the taxi service in average price of 1,3 euro per 1 km.
Host Hotel
LOC recommend accommodation at reduced prices in the following hotels:
UNIQUE Resort & Spa
str.Partizanska 56,6000 Ohrid,Macedonia (300m from the venue)
Provide assistance for your accommodation through Macedonian Triathlon federation
Technical Delegate
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) -
https://www.triathlon.mk -
Event Contact
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) -
+38970363958 & +38970221850 -
LOC: Ohrid association of sport “Sport for all-all for sport”.
Address: Dame Gruev B1 1/7;6000 Ohrid R.Macedonia.