2021 World Triathlon Winter Championships Andorra

19 - 21 Mar, 2021 • Sant Julià de Lòria , Andorra • Event Website
Start Lists

Andorra welcomes the world’s winter triathletes to compete for the honors at the sport’s showpiece event in 2021. Andorra’s Naturlandia adventure park, near the town of Sant Julià de Lòria, will be home to the 2021 World Triathlon Winter Championships Andorra. A breathtaking natural setting, nestled within the mighty Pyrenees, will be the arena where athletes will combine the disciplines of running, mountain biking, and cross-country skiing across a sprawling winter landscape.

Disciplines and distances:

ELITE/U23: Standard distance

Run: 4 loops = 7.9km

Mountain Bike: 3 loops + connection to T2= 11.3km

Cross Country Ski: connection + 4 loops + connection to finish= 12.8km

JUNIOR /AGE GROUP/ Paratriathletes: Sprint Distance

Run: 2 loops = 4.1km

Mountain Bike: 3 loops + connection= 4.9km

Cross Country Ski: connection + 1 loop + connection = 4.4km


Run: 1 loop = 1.5km

Mountain Bike: 1 loops = 3.2km

Cross Country Ski:

   - Athletes 1 – 2 – 3: connection + 4 loops + connection to relay zone = 2,45 km
   - Athlete 4: connection + 5 loops + connection to finish = 2,55km

The World Triathlon Winter Championship Andorra is open to different categories in which athletes will compete over the event weekend. Categories will vary in distance.



To participate:

Spanish and French athletes: they must prove a negative result of an antigen test up to 48 hours before their arrival in Andorra.

The rest of the athletes must prove a negative result of a PCR or TMA test up to 72 hours before their arrival in Andorra.

   - All athletes and NF support team members must submit a negative COVID test to the organization, TMA or PCR test performed before travelling to Andorra.
   - The organization will provide an antigen test to each athlete and NF support team members. Athletes competing on Saturday will take the test on Friday and those competing on Sunday will take the test on Saturday. The cost is supported by the organization.
   - The use of FFP2 mask is required for all attending the OPTIONAL face-to-face briefings. We remind you that online briefing and recording will be take place:

Elite/U23, Juniors, 2x2 Mixed Relay – Thursday 18 March 2021 – 18:00 CET
Please register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ypPWrFFPSiemIRcfge925A

Age-Group, Paratriathlon - Friday 19 March 2021 – 18:00 CET
Please register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_D0ykpBW9Tg2CUUM6BMG9mA


Before the race
Andorra has no entry restrictions. The Andorran Health Authorities request a PCR or TMA negative test before travelling to the event. This applies to all participants an accreditated staff/ support team members.

Athletes will pass through either France or Spain in order to enter the country; these links contain information about the current regulations in each of these countries:

France: https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/Actualites/L-actu-du-Ministere/Certificate-of-international-travel
Spain: http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Consulados/LONDRES/es/COVID19-UK/Paginas/Requisitos-de- entrada-en-España.aspx

After the race
For all those athletes who need to present a negative test to return to their country, we provide the option to do a TMA or PCR test in Andorra. Each athlete must contact their federation to request the test in advance. The event organisation will not pay for this test.

Any positive result confirmed by medical staff managing the onsite antigen test service will lead to an exclusion from the competition. Positive cases will be reported to and subsequently managed by the national health authorities. Any person testing positive as well as his or her close contacts will not be allowed to compete or take part in the event.

Invitation letter
In case any athlete or staff member needs an invitation letter, they must email info@andorrawintertriathlon.com with the following information:
• Name and surname:
• Date of birth:
• Sex:
• Passport number or identity document and expiration date:
• Competition category:
• Name and address of your hotel:
• Date of arrival in Andorra:
• Departure date from Andorra:
Please note that invitation letters will only be issued to all duly registered or accredited athletes, or staff members through the registration process marked by the World Triathlon.




Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and according to the World Triathlon Medical Committee it is mandatory for ALL ELITE/U23, JUNIOR, AND PARATRIATHLON ATHLETES to submit a pre-event medical certificate to participate in the event:
• The medical certificate must be issued in English by the National Federations’ medical staff or a personal doctor and submitted to the responsible appointed by World Triathlon before the race package pick-up distribution.
• Alternatively, the medical certificate can be submitted electronically to World Triathlon at sport@triathlon.org;
• The certificate must declare that the athlete has been examined and he/she has not tested positive to the PCR nasopharyngeal test and/or is not in quarantine and has been without any COVID-19 symptoms for the previous 14 days;
• The certificate must be dated and signed by a doctor and the athlete and should be produced no later than 72hrs before the person’s travel day to the event;
• In case of a previous positive PCR nasopharyngeal test, the athlete must provide two negative PCR tests:
o One must take place prior to the medical examination;
o The second, as close as possible to the event’s day;
o Please note that we require the athletes to submit PCR test results, ONLY in the case of a previous positive PCR test. In all the other cases, the athlete must submit only the medical certificate;
• A sample of the Pre-Travel Medical Certificate can be found in Appendix 1 of the World Triathlon COVID-19 prevention guidelines for event organisers. To download the certificate click here.

If the certificate is not provided, the athlete will not be allowed to compete.


On the race week ALL ELITE/U23, JUNIORS, PARATRIATHLETES, AGE-GROUPERS, COACHES/TEAM MEDICAL/SUPPORT NF PERSONNEL, WORLD TRIATHLON STAFF, TECHNICAL OFFICIALS should fill in the pre-event questionnaire (annex 3 of World Triathlon COVID-19 prevention guidelines for event organisers).

The link will be sent by the World Triathlon Sport Department one week prior to the event.
The pre-event questionnaire must be filled online in order for the athletes to receive their race packages and the coaches to receive their accreditations. (please note that only one coach and one team medical accreditation by NF will be distributed).

Prize money distribution

Elite Men and Women

1st$ 2,000$ 2,000
2nd$ 1,600$ 1,600
3rd$ 1,200$ 1,200
4th$ 800$ 800
5th$ 640$ 640
6th$ 560$ 560
7th$ 480$ 480
8th$ 320$ 320
9th$ 240$ 240
10th$ 160$ 160

Elite Mixed Relay

1st$ 1,200
2nd$ 1,000
3rd$ 800
4th$ 600
5th$ 400


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Event Schedule

Thursday 18/03/2021

18:00 - 19:00: Briefing Online Elite/ U 23, Junior, 2x2 Mixed relay

Friday 19/03/2021

8:00 - 9:00: COVID test Staff - Plaça de la Germandat 
9:00 - 19:00: World Triathlon Office - Centre cultural i de Congressos Lauredià. 
9:00 - 10:00: COVID test ELITE/U23 - Plaça de la Germandat 
9:15 - 10:15: Race pack distribution for Elite/U23 - Centre cultural i de Congressos Lauredià. 
10:00 - 10:30: COVID test JUNIORS - Plaça de la Germandat 
10:15 - 10:45: Race pack distribution for Juniors - Centre cultural i de Congressos Lauredià. 
10:30 - 17:00: World Triathlon Office - Naturlandia 2000
9:00 - 19:00: World Triathlon Office - Centre cultural i de Congressos Lauredià. 
10:30 - 14:00: Bike Mechanic Center / Ski assistance - Naturlandia 2000
11:00 - 13:15: run/ bike/ ski familiarization Elite / U23 / Junior - Naturlandia 2000
14:00 - 15:00: Briefing Technical Officials - Naturlandia 2000
16:00 - 16:30: Press Conference - Centre cultural i de Congressos Lauredià 
17:00 - 18:00: Athletes Briefing ( OPTIONAL) Elite/ U23, Junior, Mixed Relay - Centre cultural i de Congressos Lauredià 
18:00 - 18:30: Open Ceremony - Plaça de la Germandat 
18:00 - 18:30: 2x2 Mixed Team composition by coaches and race pack distribution to coaches - Centre cultural i de Congressos Lauredià 
18:30 - 20:30: Online Briefing Age Group and Paratriathlon

Saturday 20/03/2021

5:30 - 15:00: World Triathlon Office - Naturlandia 2000
16:00 - 20:00: World Triathlon Office - Centre cultural i de Congressos Lauredià 
7:00 - 8:00: Athletes Lounge check-in Elite/U23 men and women - Naturlandia 2000
7:15 - 8:15: Transition Area chec -in Elite/U23 men and women - Naturlandia 2000
7:15 - 16:30: Bike Mechanic Center / Ski assistance - Naturlandia 2000
8:30: Elite/U23 Men start -2021 WORLD TRIATHLON WINTER CHAMPIONSHIPS ANDORRA - Naturlandia 2000
9:10: Elite/U23 start Women - 2021 WORLD TRIATHLON WINTER CHAMPIONSHIPS ANDORRA - Naturlandia 2000
11:00: Medal Ceremony Elite Men - Naturlandia 2000
11:10: Meal Ceremony U23 Men - Naturlandia 2000
11:20: Medal ceremony Elite Women - Naturlandia 2000
11:30: Medal ceremony U23 Women - Naturlandia 2000
11:00 - 17:00: COVID test AG Paratriathlon - Plaça de la Germandat 
11:15 - 17:30: Age Group/Paratriathlon race pack pick up - Centre cultural i de Congressos Lauredià
10:30 - 11:45: Athletes’ lounge check-in Junior Men / Women - Naturlandia 2000
11:00 - 11:45: Transition Area chec k-in Junior Men/Women - Naturlandia 2000
12:00: Junior Men start 2021 WORLD TRIATHLON WINTER CHAMPIONSHIPS ANDORRA - Naturlandia 2000
12:05: Junior Women start 2021 WORLD TRIATHLON WINTER CHAMPIONSHIPS ANDORRA - Naturlandia 2000
14:00: Medal Ceremony Junior Men - Naturlandia 2000
14:10: Medal Ceremony Junior Women - Naturlandia 2000
14:00 - 17:00: run/ bike/ ski familiarization AG and Paratriathlon - Naturlandia 2000
17:00 - 18:00: Athletes briefing (Optional) AG /Paratriathlon - Centre cultural i de Congressos Lauredià 
18:00 - 18:30: Awards Ceremony Elite - Plaça de la Germandat

Sunday 21/03/2021

6:00 - 13:00: World Triathlon Office - Naturlandia 2000
12:00 - 17:00: World Triathlon Office - Centre cultural i de Congressos Lauredià
7:45 - 13:00: Bike Mechanic Centre / Ski assistence - Naturlandia 2000
7:00 - 8:15: Athletes lounge chec-in   M. Relay - Naturlandia 2000
7:30 - 8:15: Transition Area check-in M.Relay - Naturlandia 2000
8:30: Elite/U23 Mixed Relay start 2021 WORLD TRIATHLON WINTER CHAMPIONSHIPS ANDORRA - Naturlandia 2000
8:35: Junior Mixed Relay start 2021 WORLD TRIATHLON WINTER CHAMPIONSHIPS ANDORRA - Naturlandia 2000
10:15: Medal ceremony Elite/U23 Mixed Relay: Naturlandia 2000
10:30: Medal ceremony Junior Mixed Relay: Naturlandia 2000
9:00 - 10:15: Athletes lounge   open for Age Group: Naturlandia 2000
9:00 - 10:15: Transition Area check-in AG/Para M/W: Naturlandia 2000
10:45: Age Group Men Start 2021 WORLD TRIATHLON WINTER CHAMPIONSHIPS ANDORRA: Naturlandia 2000
11:00: Age Group Women Start 2021 WORLD TRIATHLON WINTER CHAMPIONSHIPS ANDORRA: Naturlandia 2000
11:05: Paratriathlon Start 2021 WORLD TRIATHLON WINTER CHAMPIONSHIPS ANDORRA: Naturlandia 2000
15:00: Cutt -off for all athletes - Naturlandia 2000
16:00: Awads Ceremony Age Groups / Paratriathlon - Centre cultural i de Congressos Lauredià

*Schedule of race week in tentative and subject to change
Please check back regularly for updates.


Closest Airport

The Principality does not have its own airport, but nearby there are major international airports: Blagnac airport in Toulouse (France) (190km), El Prat airport in Barcelona (206km), Girona airport (Spain) (200km) and Alguaire airport in Lerida (Spain) (180km). Except at Girona there is a daily bus service direct to Andorra from these airports, and the journey takes between three and four hours.


Local Transportation

By train:
The Principality does not have its own airport, but nearby there are major international airports: Blagnac airport in Toulouse (France), El Prat airport in Barcelona, Girona airport (Spain) and Alguaire airport in Lerida (Spain). Except at Girona there is a daily bus service direct to Andorra from these airports, and the journey takes between three and four hours.

By bus:
The connections by bus from the main Catalan stations are mainly concentrated in Barcelona, Vic, Gerona, Tarragona and Lerida. In the case of France, the bus station in Toulouse has a regular service to Andorra.

By Car
Due to Andorra’s unique location in the heart of the Pyrenees, all options to cross the border onto Andorran soil mean you’ll have to use the road. If you prefer to come by car on your own, you should know that access from Spain is via the N-145 road, in the southern area of Andorra, while access from France is by the east of the Principality, by the N22 road. No international driving license is required for driving in Andorra if the reason for your visit is only tourism.


Host Hotel

During the 2021 World Triathlon Winter Championships Andorra riders must arrange their own accommodation.
For riders wishing to stay in a central location for the entire event and travel daily to and from the start/finish lines, we recommend basing yourself either in https://www.magicandorrahotel.com/

Màgic Andorra 4 * hotel in the center of Andorra la Vella, prepared with everything you need to get you ready for the Winter Triathlon.
- Promotional code -15%: WTRIATHLON
- Direct transfer to the race.
- Buffet adapted for athletes akfand early breast.
- Possibility of raising the bicycle to the room.
- Ski lockers.
- Welcome pack.

Book now and save a 15% with the promotional code WTRIATHLON click here http://bit.ly/HotelWinterTri
Email: booking@hotansa.ad
Phone: +37 875 500

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