# First Name Last Name NOC
6016 João Ferreira POR
6017 Samuel Leal POR
6018 Luis Lobo POR
6019 Ruben Matos POR
6020 Sam Barratt GBR
6021 Lewis Bonar GBR
6022 Michael Davies GBR
6023 Chris Debonnaire GBR
6024 Llewelyn Edwards GBR
6025 Sam Evans GBR
6026 Sam Greenhalgh GBR
6027 Alex John GBR
6028 Simon Liddle GBR
6029 Adam Memery GBR
6030 Christopher Michael GBR
6031 James Naldrett GBR
6032 Jonathan Roche GBR
6033 Lloyd Williams GBR
6034 Conrad Young GBR
6035 Eoin McGuinness IRL
6036 Mattia Gobbo ITA
6037 Jan Krakowski POL
6306 Joao Graca POR
Race conditions:  17.8°C |  19°C
Wetsuits: allowed
Program notes:

Technical Delegates: Carmen Gomez/ESP, Eero Raudsepp/EST.
Athlete #6021 Bonar/GBR was disqualified because he did not stop at the next bike penalty box.
Athlete #6033 Williams/GBR was disqualified because he did not complete the prescribed run course.